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When to keep the tests manual

Automated testing has become essential to software development, helping teams improve their work’s speed and...

4 minute read

Is the testing pyramid reasonable?

What is the testing pyramid? In 2010, Mike Cohn published a book called “Succeeding with Agile — Software...

7 minute read

Six Prioritization Techniques

A big part of managing our teams’ deliveries is tied to how our roadmaps are...

7 minute read

Defining Software Measures

OK, all. Prepare for a dense article because I’m about to summarize everything you should...

9 minute read

Working with limited production data access

For contractual reasons, compliance with standards, or regulations/legislation, many organizations today struggle with the problem...

4 minute read

Defect avoidance

I’ve realized that I wrote quite a bit about avoiding defects in the past in...

8 minute read