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Own your technical debt

Technical Debt Ward Cunningham first mentioned the technical debt (TD) metaphor in 1992 [Cunningham, 1992]....

4 minute read

Software Documentation is Software

Software documentation is often neglected. However, the software is nothing but knowledge described as machine...

7 minute read

Implementation of Decimal Numbers

On “Double error!” we explored the problem with storing decimal numbers and how it is...

8 minute read

Double error!

Disclaimer This post is about to get way too technical. I could opt to spit...

9 minute read

To log or not to log?

2023-01-06 Update! I’ve decided to expand on what you should consider logging and add a...

8 minute read

Defensive Programming Techniques

This blog is not about programming, it’s about Software Engineering. I’ve created this blog with...

11 minute read

Exception Handling

Overview This is designed to support decision-making related to what to do when an exception...

17 minute read

Fixing Defects in Bulk

Problem In my career, numerous times I’ve faced the situation of inheriting a product with...

5 minute read